
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Recitation of Ya Qahhar(یا قھار) helped to get rid of demonic effects

Ubqari Magazine - January 2015

Those who benefitted from Allama Lahooti....a series of wonders

I was quite worried when while reading ‘Jinnat ka pedaishi dost’ that I read about the recitation of Ya Qahharu, it enkindled a ray of hope in my heart and I felt that this was the recitation which can help me get rid of evil demonic effects.

All sorts of miseries alleviated with the blessing of Surah Wad-Duha

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

I am fond of reading Ubqari since 2006. I missed some of the issues since then and I am keenly searching for them. This digest is certainly a unique gift and priceless treasure for us and its appreciation is quite immense. Especially the recitations mentioned therein are very effective and in specie Jinnat ka Pediashi Dost’ is a miraculous piece of writing. I have tried almost all the recitations found in this article and they have always produced perfect results. Especially the  verse 5 of Surah Waduuha (ولسوف یعطیک ربک فترضی )is my favourite recitation. This recitation possesses the power to turn every impossible into possible. I always keep on reciting this and i have never witnessed any misery since i started reciting it. I get every desire fulfilled before i become desperate for it and it has produced barakah in the subsistence too.

‘Ya Qahharu’ helped in getting rid of evil demons.

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

May Allah Almighty bless you with His eternal blessings and be pleased with you.(Aameen).

I happened to read the article’ Jinnat ka pedaishi dost’ and i was much impressed by Allama Lahooti Purisrari. I had a demonic effect on myself since my early childhood. I had tried so many exorcists but their effect was always temporary. One day i went to toilet, i noticed something moved around me and then I felt immense pain on my left leg. It seemed like some invisible thing had entered my body and then when it moved i would suffer from immense pain. I was quite worried about it. In the meanwhile, i happened to read the above mentioned article series, i found the recitation of Ya Qahharu. It enkindled a ray of hope in my heart and I felt that this recitation could help me getting rid of evil demonic effects. I started reciting it 1100 times twice a day with 7 times durood shareef before and afterwards.

 I also visited Moti Masjid in this regard and offered nafal there. In the beginning it tested my patience but now the pain that i used to feel in my leg has gone forever and I feel almost 80% fine. Sometimes i feel that the demonic effects have entirely left my body and i feel quite light hearted. Whenever i recite it 1100 times in the night i could hear something screaming and crying and seems like something is trying to stop me from the recitation.

The Benovelence of Ya Qahharu

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

I have been reading Ubqari since December 2011. I am fond of reading Islamic books and found Ubqari on a bookstall. I was so impressed that it has captivated me since that time and i am always waiting for the fresh issue anxiously. The first article that i read is Jinnat ka Pedaishi Dost and I don’t have the words to express my praise for it.

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

Someone had done a severe magic on me which had almost ruined my economic and domestic affairs. I had tried so many exorcists but none of them worked ever. Then I started reciting Ya Qahharu from Allama Lahooti’s above mentioned article and recited it all the times with devotion and concetration. After sometime i discovered some white cloth, a copy of my ID, big steel nails, my hair covered in various threads and those of my mother’s hair, a piece of glass from my broken spectacles, my buttons, my watch and so much filth from a hole in my house. I removed all these things while continuously reciting Ya Qahharu and I was able to annul the evil effects of that black magic. Now my affairs are turning better and I have still continued the recitation.

Ya Qahharu as an elixir to wipe out domestic problems

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

Your sermons are so soothing that I feel unrest until i listen to them. In June 2013, the recitation of Ya Qahharu was published in Ubqari. I started reading it 1100 times before going to bed. We had very miserable issues at home due to continuous fight between my parents. The situation was so severe that we could not tolerate to see each other faces. It was just a few days after starting the recitation that i felt that the fire of hate had started extinguishing.

Benovelence of 2 priceless treasures:

My father served as a security guard in a bank. Unfortunately, a robbery took place in the bank and my father was arrested on suspicion. We recited the 2nd Pricelss Treasure

(یا لطیفا بخلقہ یا علیما بخلقہ یا خبیرا بخلقہ الطف بی یا لطیف یا علیم یا خبیر) 225000 times. We were so impressed by the effectiveness that the police released our father immediately after finding him innocent.

Ya Qahharu eliminated the magic

Respected Hakeem Sahib,

All of our family members are regular readers of the monthly Ubqari for 5 years. We are a big family consisting of 4 sisters and 3 brothers. One of my sisters was under some evil effects. She started reciting Ya Qahharu, after reading in Allama Lahooi’s article, 1100 times twice a day. Since that time, she started dreaming of a snake which she would have killed sometimes while sometime the snake had fled without doing any damage. Once she dreamt that she was making chapatti in an oven and she found a snake in the oven. She would hit the snake’s head with an iron bar and it got separated from the body and it went away briskly. She is feeling much better now through the benevolence of this recitation and she is still reciting it.

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